Thank you for testing our Alpha!
This will be by far our biggest update yet, entering beta! as a thank you for the support, we have given everyone an "Alpha Player" role as a way of recognizing our most valued supporters and as a way of celebrating our 1 year anniversary, this update will contain a whole lot of new content, all given with the help of our small, but growing community, expect more updates, development, and new content in Any way for Runeblox
A toast, to one year of Runeblox!
Big Progress Update
Fixed the bug where training wizard armor does not increase mana regen rate until the player respawns with it equipped
Fixed the bug where your mana regen was 2 times slower on default
Small tweaks and fixes
New Feature: Boss Raids: Boss raids allows a group of up to 5 players to join a boss fight, once the boss is defeated every player still alive wins the prize of coins and xp.
New Island: The Great Mountain The Great Mountain is an island located right next to the wizard island, inhabited by the Dwarves, this island is home to generations of dwarvenkind.
New Enemy Type: Ranged An npc that can shoot a projectile (THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL, PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS)
New Armor: Dwarven Battle Armor
New Armor: Flashing Bolt Wizard Robes
New Armor: Ruthless Hunter Armor
New Armor: Hydromage Robes
Nerfed the Training Wizard Robes's mana regen speed to 0.7
New Weapon: Elven Blade of Glory
New Tool: Iron Pickaxe
New Tool: Mythril Pickaxe
New Tool: Ruby Pickaxe
New Weapon: The Knight's Elder Blade
Increased level cap to 250

Progress Update
- Nerfed the Chicken leg's heal
- Fixed the War Axe and added an inventory image to it
New item: Healing Potion
Heals 85 HP (50 more hp than a turkey leg)
New item: Mana Potion
Heals 70 mana per drink
- Added spawn locations for certain clans in different islands
- Added the Mighty Knights clan
New item: Sword of the Highlander
Deals 6 Slash damage and 30 Lunge damage, Heals 1 HP per click
New armor set: Forest Guardian Armor
Boosts mobility and gives you 130 max HP, Increases max mana by 15
Progress update (small)
- Fixed some stuff
- Changed most of the weapons, removed lunge from swords and made the war axe non collidable
- Fixed the trainer wizard armor (i think?) it now changes the SPEED your mana regenerates and not the amount it regens
- Added a special attack for the orc blade
Progress Update
Increased level cap to 135
made the Wooden Sword Lunge upwards
Added 2 new clans, The Wild Hunters Clan and the Blood Assasin Clan.
Improved some weapons
Added a druid weapon shop, currently sells a healing staff that uses 5 mana and heals 5 hp per click
Druid & Mage armor now affect your Max Mana and Mana regen multiplier
Bugs are fixed!
Lately we have fixed multiple bugs such as the Medical Camps not healing and the Shops not opening!